The Poems of John Evans - Inspirational Reflections on Life and Love.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Still Alive

I haven't been in blog for a while, due to trying to stay alive.  I have a second attack of the blood clot monsters even after being on blood thinners, so something is really trying to take me out, but, as I have always done, I offer death a middle finger.  It will eventually win.  It always does.  Meanwhile, the doctors are trying to find my culprit.  My brain functions seem to be returning and my body is working again, just not to full capacity yet.  Must kill blood clots first.  I have books to write and poems to compose before I check out of here, so I will hopefully beat this one.
Today I started working on 'Day At The Beach' again, a short story growing into novel.  It's my first day back since going into the ER 2 months ago, which feels pretty good.
I'm not going to post the chapter yet because I'm still working on it, but I will.
Anyway, I'm still alive, and am becoming more so every day - which is absolutely a major element of being a good writer - or a bad writer, or just being.  I'll be back.

All content - poems, posts & images - are ©2010 by John Evans. No permission is given to post, share, copy, print, e-mail, reproduce, distribute or link to. All Rights Reserved. Please contact John Evans at JohnEvansPoet.Com for licensing inquiries.